Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top 10 wireless stories of 2008

Good pointers and is avaialble at unstrung

and also analysis is also available at

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The moment when I felt really happy and it was the real SANKRANTHI

It was about a good thing in which I am part of it . It was couple of days back when I had been to my Home town Srikakulam. It was for only two days and first day, I visited my Grand ma. The other day, my father and mother told their plan. I know that they have been doing some or other kind of help in one way or other way but this time the plan is really good and I was happy that I was fortunate to be part of it.

We went to one of the colonies where all the families of Leprosy-challenged people live.
I got an oppurtunity to observe their lives and I talked to them for some time and I got to know that as of now there was no fear of this disease for current generation and for future generation because of the advances in the medicine. But the earlier generation was so unfortunate we were unable to prevent the disease which made most of them as victims. I checked about the help that they are getting and I heard that they will be getting very less money for their maintenance and is about 200 - 250 per month! I asked if there was any help to their children explicitly and the answer that I got is NO.

Muy father and my mother bought 30+ sarees and the God Almighty advised us and made our hearts to go there,share their feelings and also distributed those sarees to them. I saw them cheering and they were so pleased and in turn make us so pleased.

That time I saw SANKRANTHI in their eyes and there is some 'KRANTHI' in our hearts.

Many thanks to my father and my mother to come up with this idea and many thanks to God Almighty who made us to do that.

"Lokah samsthah Sukhinobhavanthu"